Hop Jigs with Jackie O’Riley & Rebecca McGowan
Featuring live music, learn original hop jig steps, co-taught by Jackie O’Riley & Rebecca McGowan.
Solo steps and group dances in hop jig time have almost entirely died out, though in records from the 18th and 19th centuries, there are many references to dancing in this meter. With the strong emphasis on the first beat in the measure, hop jigs have a distinct punch, making them a delight to dance to. We composed these steps to match the melody of the tune, and in a nod to the older practice of including a social “refrain” or “around the house” in step dances, we did this on the B parts.
This is a mixed-level workshop for dancers with at least basic hard shoe experience. Bring a dance board (such as a piece of plywood: recommended length 3’) and hard-soled shoes.