Boston Dance Alliance’s 2024 Year in Review
As we dance our way into a new year, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate the strides that Boston Dance Alliance made last year with this one-page year-in-review for 2024.
It summarizes not only the number of dancers we supported last year across our five program areas but also the accomplishments of so many members of BDA’s dance community.
In 2024, we were also happy to see an increase of more than $100,000 in fiscally-sponsored BDA members’ access to resources to advance their dance work. For more on this and other financial highlights from last year, please see the second & final part of BDA’s 2024 year-in-review.
We’re honored to support all of you in your journey in dance and to see all of that you’ll bring to life through dance in 2025.
Let’s make moves!
Aaron Myers, Executive Director
A Gift for BDA’s Future Celebrates a Dance Community Member
Boston Dance Alliance received a $150,000 donation from the estate of Christine Hamersley (l.), a dance enthusiast and adult
dance student who lived in Duxbury, Mass. The donation, arranged by Hamersley’s sister Barbara Bollin, will support the purchase of a new portable dance floor and establish a fund for BDA’s annual Open Audition & Dancer Health Day initiative, which will be named for Hamersley. Bollin says Hamersley was a beloved figure in the Boston dance community, known for her warmth and inclusivity, and for welcoming dancers of all backgrounds to the Jeannette Neill Dance Studio, where she studied for decades.
Hamersley also created and managed a regional Dance Affinity Facebook group that became a platform where dancers and
organizations alike made connections and found professional opportunities. The gift will fund critical resources for local dancers, including a new professional grade portable dance floor that BDA will offer at below-market rates to dance companies and
organizations hosting dance events across Greater Boston. It also will support and expand BDA programs that manage open-call auditions each year (allowing dancers to find work with regional choreographers) and offer dancer health and wellness resources through a BDA partnership with Spaulding Rehabilitation and its Director of Dance Medicine Lauren Elson, MD, a BDA board member.
BDA Executive Director Aaron Myers says the donation, which Elson helped to facilitate, will be structured to provide support in perpetuity and honor Christine’s spirit of kindness, inclusivity and passion. “These gifts to Boston Dance Alliance create a legacy of support for the Greater Boston dance communities and its artists,” Myers says. “That they also honor a cherished member of our community makes it even more special. Boston Dance Alliance takes great pride in celebrating and carrying on Christine’s remarkable dance legacy for many years to come.”
Dear BDA Community,
With the Lunar New Year this week and the beginning of the year of the snake, I’m drawn to reflecting on the wisdom, elegance and renewal that the snake symbolizes in some Asian cultures.
At BDA we’re all about sharing long developed wisdom with the community and continuously learning as our dance ecosystem evolves. We’re committed to finding innovative ways to support dancers & dance lovers throughout all stages of their life, letting go of practices that no longer work and adapting to new ones.
I’m excited to enter this new cycle with you. I’m looking forward to all the new ways to see the greater Boston area dance!
Carmen S. Rizzo, Membership & Operations Associate
Congratulations to Recipients of the Festivals & Projects Grants!
In a time when connection and community feel more essential than ever, festivals and cultural projects serve as powerful reminders of what brings us together. Mass Cultural Council awarded 740 grants totaling $1.85 million through Festivals & Projects in FY25.
We are also thrilled that FY25 Festivals & Projects grant recipients underscored Mass Cultural Council’s equity and inclusion goals:
- 76% are offering their program free to the public.
- 59% have not received Mass Cultural Council support in the last three years.
- 46% will bring programs to under-resourced communities.
- 32% are BIPOC-Centered Organizations.
- 98% of eligible BIPOC-Centered applicants received funding
- 94% of eligible first-time or returning applicants received funding
The efforts to expand support to organizations that have been underrepresented in the past is seen and vastly appreciated.
Congratulations to New England Dance Fund Awardees!
Join us in congratulating all the individuals and organizations that were awarded the New England Dance Fund! We would like to extend a special congratulations to those who are current BDA members:
- Accumulation Dance (fiscally sponsored by BDA)
- Continuum Dance Project (fiscally sponsored by BDA)
- Dana Alsamsam, Novum Dance Collective (fiscally sponsored by BDA)
- detritus dance
- Ellice Patterson
- Madison Florence (fiscally sponsored by BDA)
- Rachel Linsky (fiscally sponsored by BDA)
- Rebecca McGowan (fiscally sponsored by BDA)
- Sapna Govindan
- Shakia “The Key” Barron (fiscally sponsored by BDA)
- The Davis Sisters (fiscally sponsored by BDA)
We are proud to have you in our community and excited to see all that will come from this award and beyond!
Congratulations to Dancing Arts Center!
Congratulations to Dancing Arts Center and Gregg Saulnier on their recent establishment as a non-profit! BDA is proud to have supported you throughout many years of growth to get to this new stage.
Welcome to the BDA Community!
Madison Florence is BDA’s newest fiscally sponsored artist and we are enthusiastic about her new project coming up: Finding Space. The concept started as a multipart series focusing on Women in STEM and was in development when the pandemic began in March 2020. Over time, the focus on space grew and representing more identities became important in telling this story since many people shared and share similar plights.
Finding Space is now in progress with the goal of telling the history and current stories of people who identify as women, people of color or BIPOC, queer, trans, nonbinary, parents, and all who have contributed but have not received the recognition for their work or had to fight harder for it. This piece is currently in process with plans to arrive at an evening-length performance in Winter of 2026.
Walking the Talk
Walking the Talk is a new day-and-a-half format event for dialogue discussion created in response to feedback from our communities. This event will bring dancers, choreographers, presenters, audience members, and funders together to engage in open dialogue and reflection. Friday, January 31, 6-9 PM and February 1, 1-6 PM, at The Dance Complex, 536 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge. Tickets: pay-what-you-can (suggested: $30)
La salsa me enamora
FREE! – Croma Space will open its artistic programming for 2025 with a romantic salsa dance party and a concert. Enjoy salsa dance by DJ Cano Cangrejo and the professional dancers of MetaMovements, called “La salsa me enamora” (Salsa makes me fall in love). Saturday, February 1, 8 PM at the CROMA, Public Alley 438, Boston
Be a Pro at Saying No
Be a Pro at Saying No. In this experiential workshop participants will explore embodied consent as boundary practice. Participants will learn the basics of connection and consent, build body awareness, and practice boundary-setting through dance and movement. No prior dance experience is required, just a willingness to move. Monday, February 3, 6:00-7:15 PM, at The Dance Complex, 536 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge. Registration: $10-$20.
Other events in the community this week:
FREE! – Omayra Amaya Flamenco Dance Company is hosting an educational event with a performance showcase. Bring your dancing shoes to Bring Flamenco to Our Community! Wednesday, January 29, 6-7 PM at Arrow Street Arts, 2 Arrow St., Cambridge.
FREE! – Celebrate the legacy and cultural influence of hip hop across generations at the Intergenerational Hip Hop Dance Symposium, an event that promises to be fun, impactful, and historic. All ages welcome! Watch a dance battle, the Film Fest, an Intergenerational Hip Hop Dance Showcase featuring The Floor Lords and participate in workshops. Thursday, January 30, 1:30-8:00 PM, Friday, January 31, 12:15-9:00 PM, and Saturday, February 1, 7:30-9:00 PM at Salem State University, 352 Lafayette Street, Salem.
Omayra Amaya Flamenco Dance Company performs “Antes Del Fin” Friday, January 31 & Saturday, February 1, 8 PM, and Sunday, February 2, 4 PM, at Arrow Street Arts, 2 Arrow St., Cambridge. Tickets: $35-$80.
Join the Multicultural Arts Center in their Globall Gala. Enjoy a night of celebration, empowerment and connection, all under one roof. With delicious foods and desserts, and the upbeat brass and percussion from Eguie Castrillo & his Salsa Orchestra, Saturday, February 1, 6-10 PM, at 41 Second St., Cambridge. Tickets: $150-$1,200.
JMBT Summer Intensive Auditions
Join Jose Mateo Ballet Theatre for their Summer Intensive. Register for your audition at least 72h prior to audition time. Sundays, February 2 & March 30, 2:00-3:30 PM (ages 13-16), 3:30-5:00 PM (ages 17-22) at José Mateo Ballet Theatre, 400 Harvard Street, Cambridge. Video auditions accepted until April 30.
Get discounted tickets by Feb. 1!
The 16th annual South Asian Showdown Competition will take place on Saturday, March 1 at the world renowned Strand Theatre. South Asian Showdown will host 10 of the best Bollywood/Fusion teams from North America who will compete to be crowned the South Asian Showdown Champions! BDA members and Pro/Motion subscribers get a 10% discount if you call Rohit to book your tickets before February 1: 617-448-2508
Audition for Unkempt
Unkempt is a dance theatre project focused on the topic of body hair and the practices and attitudes surrounding it. The choreographer currently seeks 3 dancers who feel connected to the subject matter for a performance in mid-May, Rehearsals will be held in Newton and dancers will receive a $300 stipend. The audition will be held on Tuesday, February 4, 8 PM in Studio 6 of The Dance Complex (536 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge). Register to audition by Sunday, February 2.
Artist Residency at Mount Auburn Cemetery
Apply for the 2025-2026 Artist Residency at Mount Auburn Cemetery. Since 2014, Mount Auburn Cemetery’s Artist-in-Residence program has shared the work of nearly 30 artists ranging from musicians, dancers, playwrights, painters, sculptors, photographers, and more. Each year, 3-6 artists are offered grants (ranging from $500-$4,000 depending on need) and charged with creating an original, site-specific work inspired by an in-depth experience at the Cemetery. The grant must result in a deliverable product, program, or event that is unique to Mount Auburn Cemetery. Deadline: Saturday, February 1.
Auditions, Jobs and Activism!
BDA’s weekly Pro/Motion newsletter is free! Subscribe to get news of the upcoming week’s dance performances, workshops and more, plus listings of professional dance auditions and jobs.