Faye Driscoll
2018 Jacob’s Pillow Dance Award winner Faye Driscoll returns to the Pillow for the second consecutive summer with the next installment of the Thank You For Coming trilogy. Play, described as “captivating and complex” (Portland Mercury), investigates the ritual of storytelling, focusing on the shadows, gaps, repetitions, and stutters between what we say and what we do while we say it.
In this peculiar and enthralling collage of gesture, image, voice, and persona, performers ventriloquize, shape-shift, and speak through and for each other.
A New York Dance and Performance (“Bessie”) award-winning choreographer and alumnus of The School at Jacob’s Pillow, Driscoll is lauded by The New York Times for making “utterly original work” that “doesn’t look like anything you’ve ever seen before, nor can you imagine thinking up.”