illlustration of four people dancing hand in hand

Regency Dance Workshops

January 11 — 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
January 25 — 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

In preparation of the formal Ball, Gore Place will be holding two informal Regency dance workshops. Attendees can learn the dances that will be featured at the ball. Attendance at one or both workshops is encouraged but not required, although you wouldn’t want someone calling you a “Mr. Collins “ behind you back! Ticket discounts … Continued

Solo dancer in long black dress reaching and twisting

RENEW 25: Beginner Movement Workshop

January 12 — 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Join the local Encore Dance Ensemble for this fun introductory workshop! Encore is a troupe of women age 40+ who perform original works demonstrating lifelong learning and personal fulfillment through the art of dance. In this hour-long class, company members will guide you through a series of activities that include: warming your core and limbs, … Continued