Artistic Workshop. Physics & Dance

The Dance Complex 536 Massachusetts Ave , Cambridge
$15(Adults), $10 (Students)
Rajita Menon
Interdisciplinary Collaboration, Modern, and Experimental Dance
Who is this class for?

Physics and dance’ is an artistic workshop for everyone who is interested in exploration in the fields of physics and art. Analyzing simplest principles of statistical physics and applying it directly in the space, by using our bodies as a medium. Breaking down an equation and experimenting with it, is a creative process, which stimulates both; logical and visceral parts of our brain. The workshop will include a short lecture on collective phenomena introducing equations from statistical physics, followed by group activities
wherein participants explore mathematical structures and visual rhythms in the described physics. The primary goal is to help dancers, physicists and artists access complex, academic discourse, through movement as well as written assignments.
The workshop will contain authentic movement, contact improvisation, and a final choreographed etude.
This artistic workshop is open to all adults; performing artists of any level.