Artists as Advocates

Sanctuary Theatre 400 Harvard Street , Cambridge
Kit Pang
Who is this class for?

As a dancer, you are an expert in non-verbal communication, able to express yourself and your vision wordlessly, through the language of movement. This workshop focuses on a language dancers may speak less fluently – that of verbal communication. We will explore how verbal expression and giving voice to your story can strengthen your work and mission, making you a better advocate for yourself, for your work, and for the causes that matter.

Kit Pang ­–­ communication coach, speaker, hip hop choreographer, and founder of Boston Speaks – will lead a discussion on the benefits and challenges of speaking and storytelling. He will help you re-examine your audiences and their goals, encouraging you to consider who you want to engage, what your message is, and how you can share that message most effectively. Workshop participants will be encouraged to practice telling their stories and will receive tips and feedback to build effective speaking skills.

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