GARAGE BAND: a post Arlington Porchfest dance party

Presented by Arlington Commission for Arts and Culture (ACAC)
Arlington Global Service Station 334 Massachusetts Avenue , Arlington
free and open to all

GARAGE BAND is a pop-up dance party, a celebration of community, a gathering in an unusual venue, the Arlington Global Service Station, a classic auto service station that has become, thanks to input from neighborhood artist Johnny Lapham, a public art landmark in the heart of Arlington’s Cultural District. Now the vibrant service station will also serve as host to a celebratory dance free-for-all, sponsored by the newly established Arlington Commission for Arts and Culture along with Porchfest promoters, the Arlington Center for the Arts. GARAGE BAND is the musical culmination of all the tonalities generated by the participants in this year’s Porchfest with  live music from the Bittersweet Band and School of HONK.

Ticket Information